"Unique New York."

While Katie said hey to her flower girl, Allie, Chris got cooled off in the industrial freezer :).
(It was needed. He was not being dramatic.)

It seemed to be a theme for the men of the wedding to watch the guests arrive from inside with the AC on.

And then it was time!

A lot of people nowadays do sand ceremonies in place of a unity candle (someone finally figured out that doesn't work outside). Well we loved Katie and Chris's version. They gathered dirt from each of their homes to unite in one jar. Katie's dirt was stubborn.

What marriage is complete without a celebratory shout and shuffle?

Ok, see, this is where I ducked out. I had an allergic reaction to some medicine I was on (I wrote about it here), so I left C to hold down the fort for the rest of the night.

I hate that I missed Katie and Chris cutting a rug like this.

It's ok to shove cake in the other one's face as long as you let each other know you're cool by giving a fist pump. Respect, homes.

Ummm. ::drools on keyboard::

Apparently, there is a tradition to flour the groom. We have seen this before at one other wedding, but it didn't cause a wrestling match like this one. (Note Chris crawling away on all fours)

But the party went on.

These made me smile REALLY big.

Katie and Chris, we had an amazing time with y'all! If you ever wanna hang out and watch Anchorman call us!
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