Last month Cristina and I headed to Albany to photograph Brittney and Al's wedding. We had been looking forward to their wedding, because of all of the details Brittney had told us about.
I never would have imagined that I would be informed about an hour and a half before we were to be at the hair salon that my favorite woman in the world, my Nana, had passed away during the night. I scrambled to find another photographer, but my family assured me there was nothing I could do to help them that day. I was just afraid I would be a mess and not do the best I could. BUT I took about a pound of pepto and Cristina drove us to the salon. I was SOO glad when I got there and found a room full of people who were understanding, and then her mom gave me a great big hug and told me it was okay to cry. So I cried.. for like 5 seconds. It was an awesome way to begin a shoot like that knowing that her family understood. That in itself took a huge burden off of me, and I decided that weddings were happy..not I was fine the rest of the day. I really felt very lucky to have such a sweet bride and family on that particular day. AND the lighting was perfect all day...i'm thinking it had something to do with a new angel.
Anyway, I am SO glad that the photographers I contacted that morning weren't available..because I think this is one of my favorite weddings. Ok, I know I say that a lot..but common'.. look at this couple!

Brittney's Sis and Mom got in on the beautification.


OO, some details...

The girls were "wow"ed by the final product before we kidnapped Brittney and took her to a secret field.. ok, so it wasn't secret..

BOOM! Sunflowerness!

There was some crazy woman in the sunflowers. Just kidding, that's only Cristina putting into practice her where's waldo meets the invisible man/ ninja/ sniper...moves.

Love this shot C grabbed.

Dang. She Purdy.


Sometimes we pull out the "picture the groom naked" card.
Ironically, we never get good facial expressions out of that.

Brittney's bouquet really is my favorite bouquet ever for a bride. It was the perfect size and color.
Like a bad blogger, I do not have her info sheet with me, so i will have to add the florist later.

Al's nephews were entertainment in themselves! I love their personalities!

Al's mom helped out with the boutonnieres (man, I ALWAYS misspell that!)

Handsome fellas...

Al was super tall, so I stood on my tiptoes to get the boot-on-ear shot.
Also, my fav boot-on-ear ever!

Al was toting some good luck from his grandparents as well.

I love how Brittney's eyes match a good October sky!

Yay! Stay tuned for Part 2!
These are FABULOUS ! Yall did an amazing job . Love them!
beautiful beautiful!!!!! your fav shot is PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!
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