Earlier THIS month (I know..blogging something in the same month...whhhat?!) we had the pleasure of going to Savannah to shoot Jessica & Michael's wedding at Isle of Hope Methodist Church. We already knew we would like Jess and Michael, because we had an awesome e-session with them back in December (check it out). They had such a great chemistry, so we were very excited about their wedding.
We got up and hit the continental breakfast, then went to go meet Jess, her sis, and mom over at Aqua Salon near Forsyth Park. Maria did an amazing job on the hair as did Amber who was on makeup duty.

Isle of Hope Methodist Church in Savannah= cutest church

These poor girls were so cold! They did good pretending to be warm, because they're so hot!

Jess had the most beautiful skin ever, which made editing GREAT!

LOVE this shot of the groomsmen that C took.

Yes, those are rain drops on the left-hand photo. Michael managed to look dapper and not complain even through the shower of rain.

Michael and Jess both perfected their serious look during their engagement session..see?

A quick hug from mom before "hiding".

The girls had to tuck themselves in the balcony of the church as guests arrived, because it had started to rain and there was no covered entrance.

I loved this one C took as she was making her way down the steps to say "I DO"

But not before getting a kiss from dad!

It was important for Jessica's mom to see her face during the service so they switched the traditional "bride's side" to the right. Which makes much more sense to me anyway.

We don't usually post family photos on the blog, but then we don't usually have such special family members at weddings. This is Michael's great-grandfather, Mr. Joseph. It is rare to see a "great" at a wedding for us. Jess and Michael had such sweet families that we had to share that one.

It was pitch-black when we went out to do the couple's portraits which is very different for us.
It gave us a chance to use some techniques that we don't normally do, and channel some creativity that we normally don't have to channel. haha.
We did not have a lot of time with the couple, so I'm thankful that they were patient with us, because it was drizzling and COLD!

Don't make fun of the one on the left.. It was my idea.. I just was curious to see how it would turn out. I wasn't sure if it was creative or cheesey, but I was interested to see what others thought.

Love Savannah moss.

Poor thing was SO cold during these two photos. I photoshopped the goosebumps off.

This was my fav. It was taken in about 30 seconds before we rushed off.

The reception was held at Wilmington Island Club.

Self-Portrait.. I mean.. ring shot!

Jessica's sorority sisters did a candle pass and song.

Just a few sorority girls who came =).

While Michael met his fraternity at the bar ;).

This couple won the dance for "longest marriage" . They were SOO cute.

You know how when you are dancing with the one you love, and suddenly it seems like you are the only two people in the room....

Then you are jerked back to reality by the others who love you too!

...but not for long.

Thanks Jess and Michael for letting us tag along on your big day! We are going to need you to move to Thomasville so we can hang out.