So, yesterday, my husband graduated from Valdosta State University... I know, bells and whistles, right?
Well..I think that I was happier for him than I was at my own graduation! I think it is because he really didn't like school like I did, and it was hard for him. Besides that, he keeps a full time job to help support me while starting this business. What a man, huh? So, this was special for me. He had a whole flock of family who traveled several hours to come see him walk...nay..sprint across stage. I swear it was the fastest graduation ever. You were pretty much screwed if you sneezed as your loved one walked across stage. They went two at a time!! It was very different from my college graduation, but enjoyable none-the-less. After graduation, we headed back to my mom-in-law's house for some Italian yummness. I had spent the day before with her putting together hors d'oeuvre (yeah, I googled that....because my computer kept changing it to hors manoeuvrings...i don't know what that is, but it sounds gross) tray. She also made Lobster penne, spasghetti, and had the shrimp on standby...oh and ice cream cake! It was all delicious.
I was too busy eating it, rather than photographing it..sorry.
So here is how it went.
This is T.J. studying for his very last college exam...He started studying after he got off work on Thursday night at 10:30. Supposedly, he made a 117 on it. I'm still trying to understand how this happened? Oh, and he somehow bent my Mamiyaflex twin lens while he was studying. knocked it off with his ogre feet. See it trying to recover in the background?

If you squint really hard, you can see him receiving his diploma cover. Go ahead, look past the camera man, the caps and gowns, and the sign language ladies (who conveniently stood directly in the way of the graduates).

This is him waving to his teary-eyes mama. And his genuine "I'm excited" smile.

Me and my love after the ceremony.

After a full tummy lunch, we played fetch with TJ's little cousins, Jack and Zoe, and our bassett hound, Sir Samson Wallis (as written in his papers). He needs a girlfriend, and looooves having his ears rubbed. Enlarge the right picture, and notice the slobber flinging from his right jowl.

1 comment:
So proud of TJ...of you...of you both! and six months married to boot!
The pictures are great...(the two women in one of the pictures looked pretty intense...academic bouncers of some sort??
Hope to see you both at Christmas.
Love, Anna Laine
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