The wind was our best friend! I almost blew away several times, but it was totally worth it.
And it was chilly.

AH! love!!

My butt-crack became cold and wet during the photo on the right (rogue wave). Caused great laughs though! Candace has the BEST laugh face evar!!

They were so great together. It was easy to see how happy they make each other.

My Absolute FAV, by Cristina.

The Owl Cafe was pretty much da bomb for a reception site (checked with my husband who informs me that it is uncool to say that...oh well).

I couldn't decide between these two cake shots... lol.. never said that before.

We loved the details!

Instead of a groom's cake, they went straight for the oysters.. yuck!! Candace had never eaten a raw oyster, which explains her facial expression. haha!

Some sweet and some funny toasts were exchanged!

Ok, I don't know if Candace and Jerry will like this photo, but I LOVE it! haha. They were dancing into Cristina. hehe..paparazzi love.
TOLD you Candace has the best laugh.

Maybe he IS part of the Irish mob..

Only grooms who cooperate and make their new brides laugh get high-fives from Molly.
(Please note that I look very rough...this was at the end of the wedding day and I had to change my wedding attire because I was cold.. Lord knows I can't function when I'm cold).

Some dancing ensued!

Bridesmaids made good friends..with themselves =D. haha.

Woohoo! Time to go!

Candace got pelted in the face with some rose petals!

We had a Day-After session scheduled with Candace and Jerry bright and early the next morning, but it was FREEZING cold and no one wanted them to be sick on their honeymoon.
Plus, I'm pretty sure they brought the awesome on their wedding day, so it's cool
Thanks for letting us hang with you and your very cool families!!