Cristina and I headed down to Tallahassee a couple of weeks ago to shoot a really sweet couple's wedding. Alyssa and Jason had an awesome FSU wedding AT the stadium. How cool is that? I bet all guys wish they had girls who would agree to get married at their favorite team's stadium. Anyway, they didn't get married on the field, but in a beautiful ballroom upstairs. I will post pics of that later, but here are some of my favs so far.
Alyssa's beautiful dress in front of the capital building & a pouting (yet still adorable) flower girl.

A super fun ride in the limo! Alyssa and her dad took this time for some personal photos!

A couple of details:

What a pretty bridal party!

Sexiness atop the stadium.

Well, you know me and ring shots =(..sorry.

"Hava Nagila!" This was awesome for Cristina and I, who don't often see Jewish elements in ceremonies or receptions in South Georgia.

They look SO bad a-word.

By far, my favorite shot of the day. They were so cool to put on their jerseys and take the field! Then, the lights were turned off on us, and we had to find our way out of the stadium in the dark.

Thanks Alyssa & Jason!