So, Cristina and I have been drowning in wedding...stuff. With her getting married, and us shooting a lot weddings, we're plum weddinged out. Ok, so that's a total lie. We love weddings, because people are always happy. But I had put portraits on hold to catch up on weddings, so when my cousin Abby(you may remember her from a few blogs ago) emailed and asked if I could shoot her friend...I decided to. I thought it would be awesome to cram a wedding and a senior session all in one weekend, 3 hours apart. Normally, those ideas are not "some kinda wonderful", but this one was totally refreshing for me...and of course for Cristina, who I dragged along. Anyway, Erin is awesome and inspiring in a modelesque kind of way. We culled down from 600 images, and I couldn't decide which ones to blog, so my husband voted.

I couldn't decide which one of these I liked better, so you get both.