Molly here. I thought I would add some more from the Parker-Guree Wedding, and Cristina will add more later as we finish with the processing! Stephanie and Darren were a lot of fun, and such a cute couple! Also, the house they got married in was amazing. They were married at Taylor-Grady house in Athens, GA on April 5th.

This is my favorite shot of model Stephanie.

Before we headed out for bridal shots, we made her hop in the tub.

Meanwhile, on the boy's side, a sincerely interesting conversation was taking place...maybe.

This was the sweetest moment..Right before the ceremony Darren came to talk to Stephanie outside of the door. We asked them for this shot and I think this was the "woah, we're about to be married" moment. A Kleenex was introduced, and the photoshoot continued. (But they didn't see each other, we swear!)

The whole gang outside of the house. And by whole gang, I mean all 150 guests.

This couple had a killer outdoor reception after the ceremony. Jazz/Swing Band and all. Best music at a wedding yet! I kept wanting to dance. Below, Darren attempted a dip and succeeded. You can see the look of relief on his face. =)

Details, please ma'am.

At the end of the evening the newlyweds hopped in their antique car, and fled the scene...living happily ever after.